
Friday 3 October 2014

Mamie Made Christmas: Themes

Do you have a Christmas theme?
Have you ever had a Christmas theme?
My be you've never even thought about having a Christmas theme.
This may be a little forward thinking but I feel it helps me to be organised.
I have found that for me having a theme for Christmas helps me to simplify Christmas. If your anything like me leading up to Christmas you will see many gorgeous magazines, blogs and images on Pinterest that you will drool over and wish that you could do all of those pretty things but if you have a theme, if you know where you are headed its so much easier to stay focused and not try to do so many things that will leave you feeling stressed and you'll be able to say no to all of the drool worthy Christmas things.
(these are tags we used last year, on the back we wrote something we were thankful for each day and put it on the tree)

This year we have three Christmas trees going up in our home (a whole other story! lol) and I've decided that each tree will have a different theme. Knowing this has already helped me out as each tree's colours coordinate with the rooms that they are going in I have been able to organised the decorations so that the day the trees go up will be a much simpler process, no one will be digging through the decoration box to find what they are looking for, it will all be where its supposed to be.
You probably just have the one tree and having a theme can help you narrow down what wrapping paper, cards and decorations you will have so that everything coordinates giving your Christmas cohesive feel.
Sometimes the simpler the theme the more effective, here is a list of some fun themes I thought of:

Shape themes
Word Themes
Be Merry
Other themes
choose two colours
Pom pom Christmas
Beach Christmas
Winter wonderland
Cupcake Christmas
Candy lane Christmas
Handmade Christmas
Modern Christmas
Traditional Christmas
North pole Christmas

I'm sure there are so so many themes that could make your Christmas amazing. Not only that it is suppose to make the season more enjoyable and less stressful so you shouldn't need to go out and buy a whole pile of new stuff, May be you already have everything you need but you will feature it differently or maybe it will mean leaving out some of the things you own so that something else can stand out.
In the past I have had themes like 'Be Merry, Be Bright' and last year I did 'Joy to all the Boys and Girls" we had a boy tree (with blue ornaments) and a girl tree (with pink ornaments) and I bought one new ornament for each tree it was the word "JOY" and placed it at eye level where it stood out.
This year my shape is really a Star and each tree has a theme but the two main ones will be 'let your heart be light' and 'Believe in the  magic of Christmas'

Ok So here is some links if you thinking about themes now:
This one is a lovely pink modern tree and I just love how every thing goes with there home;here
There is an amazing advent tree here and she also talks about themes.
There is some lovely county style tree here
This post has a sweet Swedish feel that I love here and it would be easy to do yourself.

I hope I haven't given you too much to think about or made your head explode! ;-)

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